Carlos Ignacio Bilbao was born in Buenos Aires in 1974. He graduated as a lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Santa María de los Buenos Aires in March 1998.
He completed postgraduate courses in specialization in environmental law in 1998 and 1999 at the Universidad Austral. During 2000 and 2001 he attended postgraduate courses on law and economics at the Universidad Torcuato di Tella.
He acted as assistant professor on Civil Law II, Obligations, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Santa María de los Buenos Aires.
In 2006 he completed the executive program on SME Management at the IAE, School of Business of the Universidad Austral.
In 2006, the paper authored by him, ‘Introduction to the economic analysis of law. Consumer relations and economic analysis of law’, was included in the book ‘Relaciones de Consumo, Derecho y Economía’ (Relationships between Consumption, Law and Economy) published by La Ley, coordinated by Dr. Elsa María Uzal, and sponsored by the International Judicial Academy.
He practices law in the following fields: advising on legal and corporate general affairs and assisting companies in everyday legal matters; negotiating commercial and financial agreements when drafted, at execution and at breach; financial services; advising clients on investments (local and foreign); advising clients on foreign exchange regulations (BCRA); working with companies and stakeholders in corporate matters; advising clients on their rights and property (real, personal and intellectual); dispute resolution. representation before judicial and arbitration courts; advising on bankruptcy and creditor rights.